Saturday, November 29, 2008

The way

I have been thinking of starting a blog long ago. But it didn’t realize till now because I think I needed something to give me a start, a go and terror strike in Mumbai did that. It is shocking to think that we can be killed by a group of trigger-happy militants any time any where. It has become a piece of cake for some fanatics to blow up trains, buses, public places. But it is also not very tough for them to kill us by shooting at point blank. What is this leading us to? Hatred, fear, anger for a community, a country. It is disturbing, the whole world is going through it; it has become a part and parcel of our lives. We are not startled by the numbers of dead or injured because they have become a statistics to us. We have forgotten the value of life. What has caused this? What have made human lost their humanity? You can say its computers, its money, it’s the nuclear family. I think the answer lies in the basic education a child receives today. Everywhere in the world the things are same. Education here I mean is not only that are given in schools but also what the child learns in his house, from the neighborhood, from the streets of his city. In the house they learn hatred for relatives, neighbors; they learn that u should not let your relatives in the house when your exam is going on, even if they are helpless. They learn to be a selfish giant. That’s how today’s parents bring-up their child. In the neighborhood they learn to fake smiles, talk behind the backs, and to compete with every other child in every aspect of his life. Now the schools which are the very institution of knowledge, what do they teach the child? Science, math, language, social sciences. Then there swimming, karate, and god knows how many other ‘important’ subjects. But there is something missing, who will teach them about their country? Students now a day don’t know their country, their national heroes, their national anthem, national symbols yet they are going to lead the nation in different fields in near future. What is the purpose of education if it cannot inculcate the ideas that make the nation? When I hear that one cannot say who the President of the country is, it shocks me, it makes me dizzy. When someone cannot sing the national anthem but can sing a popular movie song, I feel helpless because this very person will represent the country in one field or other. Whose duty is this to make the child realize that these are more important than the marks he gets? It is the duty of the society, to make the child understand the life is to love not hate; life is about bigger issues than a single mobile phone balance.

When people from the poverty stricken areas take law in their hand to get the attention of the authority, I can understand their problems. But what problem does a software engineer have or a lawyer has which force them to kill innocent people, attack the public which they had been an integral part. You can say they have been brain-washed. How feeble is the morality of these people that it can be shattered by some misinterpreted religious teachings by some power hungry beast. Have they lost their own sense of righteousness, the power to analyze, which have made human the master of the world. Human history comprises of the people who have been able to stand against the ancient superstition of hatred, bloodshed to bring a new dawn every time their have been a dark age. It’s now the time to bring another dawn the light of peace the light of prosperity through the path of complete education. Complete education can only make the future free from shackles of grief, poverty, terrorism and all the evils that are their in the world.